Child Protection and Safeguarding contacts
Safeguarding lead - Richard Dargavel
Deputy Safeguarding leads - Mariella Bird, Drew Dower, and Marcus Long
Nominated child protection and safeguarding Governor - Harriet Keilthy
Contact Richard , Marie or Drew on 01273 916540 with any concerns, or e-mail:
We want to ensure that that our school community is a place where everyone feels seen, represented and listened to. We want all of our staff to robustly challenge racial inequality by providing anti-racist education to ensure that our pupils contribute to making the world a more equal and fairer place for all.
All Different, All Equal, All Welcome.
Latest News
Exciting News!
Benfield Primary is now part of Eko Trust's Family of Schools. For more information about our exciting new partnership, please visit the Eko Trust -
School Games Mark
We are delighted to announce that we have acheived the School Games Gold Mark Award for this academic year.
Please click here to veiw our Certificate.
Starting reception
If you would like to join our school, please contact the school to arrange a tour. For a virtual tour of the a reception class click here.
Please contact the office on 01273 916540 to book places.
Sparrows Nursery at Benfield Primary
Please visit their website for more information.
Sparrows Nursery, Benfield Primary School
Old Shoreham Road, Portslade Brighton BN41 1 United Kingdom
What is the Sussex Coasts School Alliance?
Benfield School is part of the Sussex Coast Schools Alliance.
We are an Alliance of 39 primary and special schools across Brighton, Hove, Portslade, Shoreham & Hassocks.
Our Alliance aims to help raise standards by supporting schools, especially those in challenging circumstances.
We aim to ensure staff are valued, developed and that all colleagues are enabled to be high quality classroom practitioners and school leaders.
Our aim is simple: to ensure our provision enables all children to achieve their best.
For more information see